Audit Committee
The Audit Committee works with external auditors to ensure compliance with accounting rules and regulations.
LEARN MORE >Committee on Committees
The Committee on Committees makes recommendations to Council for committee appointments – names and terms.
LEARN MORE >Finance Committee
The Finance Committee determines the amount of annual membership dues, prepares the budget for Council approval, and makes recommendations on reserve funds and investments.
LEARN MORE >Local Arrangements Committee (2024)
The Local Arrangements Committee makes recommendations regarding venues/entertainment for Congress functions, solicits local sponsorship for Congress activities, acts as hosts during Congress, provides guidance to ensure Congress non-scientific content reflects local culture and that delegates have a memorable experience, works with IASP staff on local logistical issues, and provides continuous feedback throughout the Congress planning process. Please note: The Local Arrangements Committee for the 2022 World Congress on Pain will be made available in the coming weeks.
LEARN MORE >Membership and Chapters Committee
The Membership and Chapters Committee promotes all types of membership and participation in the International Association for the Study of Pain and enhances member satisfaction by addressing the evolving needs and interests of its members.
LEARN MORE >Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee develops the list of names of candidates for election of the Council and Officers, as well as the criteria and solicitation process for IASP honorary members.
LEARN MORE >Scientific Program Committee (2024)
The role of the Scientific Program Committee is to plan, direct, and supervise the Congress' scientific program, develop the overall Congress schedule, review and rate the proposed technical workshops and plenary sessions, and suggest and help implement ways to increase the Congress' appeal to particular groups such as trainees, primary care physicians, or potential delegates from the developing world.