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Early Career Network (ECN)

The Early Career Network’s (ECN) mission is to support, advance, and promote the needs of early career members and to prepare them to be the future leaders of IASP and experts in pain research and management.

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Early Career Network (ECN)

The mission of the Early Career Network (ECN) is to support, advance, and promote the needs of early career members and to prepare them to be the future leaders of IASP and experts in pain research and management by:

  • Providing opportunities for early career members to network, collaborate, and share experiences between peers, senior researchers and clinicians.
  • Organizing webinars, mentoring programs, or in-person events at conferences and other training or group sessions to develop professional skills and increase knowledge in pain management and pain research, and scientific acumen.
  • Advocating for early career member positions in IASP leadership.
  • Advocating for increased early career involvement and representation at IASP and SIG meetings.
  • Encouraging and empowers early career researchers and clinicians to develop into the next generation of pain experts.

How to Join

IASP members enrolled as trainees will automatically join the ECN.

Regular members with no more than 5 years after the end of trainee status can opt in to join the ECN.

Catherine Bushnell, PhD

Introduction to the ECN

by IASP Past-President Catherine Bushnell

Webinars and Activities
ECN Webinars and Videos
ECN at the 2024 World Congress on Pain

Publishing in PAIN and PAIN Reports Session

An important part of developing as an early career researcher is learning how to publish your manuscript in the appropriate journal. IASP oversees two leading international pain journals, PAIN and PAIN Reports. In collaboration with IASP publishing, the IASP Early Career Network Education Committee hosted a session designed to introduce the scope, priorities, and review process for PAIN and PAIN ReportsThe session included presentations and Q&A with Karen Davis (Editor-in-Chief of PAIN) and David Yarnitsky (Editor-in-Chief of PAIN Reports). Following this, there was an informal round-table discussion with Section Editors and Associate Editors from each journal, where researchers had the opportunity to ask questions about the review process for their section, tips for how to get their manuscript accepted, and how to become peer-reviewers themselves.

Pain Science Around the World Presentation and Small Groups

Ever wondered what it would be like to be a post-doc in the United States, Europe, or Australia? Maybe you’re considering moving already? The IASP Early Career Network brought together the presidents of the Australian Pain Society, the United States Association for the Study of Pain, and the European Pain Federation (EFIC) to introduce what their societies get up to throughout the year. This was followed by breakout tables with several post-docs from Australia, Europe, and the United States to talk about pain research in their region, including funding, types of research, and more.

Mentor Sessions – Applications and Interviews

Are you thinking about a job or grant application but don't know how to make yours stand out? Or even where to start? The IASP Early Career Network brought together a group of wonderful mentors to discuss all aspects of applications and interviews! They offered advice, tips, and tricks they’ve learned through experience on what works and what doesn’t.

Early Career/Trainee Q&A with Nobel Laureates

Dr. David Julius and Dr. Ardem Patapoutian provided an intimate question-and-answer session right after their Plenary Lectures at the IASP 2024 World Congress on Pain. Early career attendees and IASP dignitaries had the chance to ask their questions to these esteemed researchers whose pioneering research has greatly enhanced our comprehension of pain mechanisms. This special session was open only to early career/trainee attendees and others by invitation.

ECN Workforce

ECN Board


Committees and Task Force

Education Committee

This committee organizes educational activities for early career members (e.g., webinars, mentoring). This will include activities during the IASP World Congress and throughout the year.

Committee Members

Aidan Cashin (he/him)
Neuroscience Research Australia; Sydney, Australia

Nomination Committee

This committee organizes and supervises the nomination and voting process for new ECN board members and leadership every year in collaboration with IASP leadership and staff.

Committee Members

Adham Farah (He/Him)
Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford; Oxford, UK

Michael Ferraro (He/Him)
Centre for Pain IMPACT, Neuroscience Research Australia; Sydney, Australia

Joel Fundaun (He/Him)
Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford; Oxford, UK

Danielle Hewitt (She/Her)
Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, University of Oxford; Oxford, UK

Marie-Eve Hoeppli (She/Her)
Collaborative Laboratories Investigating Pediatric Pain, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Cincinnati, OH, U.S.

Aleksandrina Skvortsova (She/Her)
Health, Medical and Neuropsychology, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University; Leiden, the Netherlands.

Communication Committee

This committee manages the dynamic ECN webpage, offering early career professionals a hub for opportunities, resources, and events. From career advice to insightful articles, we empower success.

We actively maintain our presence on social media platforms, fostering a vibrant community where professionals can connect, collaborate, and learn together.

Continuous communication is crucial. We keep members updated with timely and relevant news, events, and insights. Join us to support and empower early career professionals.

Explore our webpage, connect on social media, and become part of our thriving ECN community today!

Committee Memebers

Waci M. Adamczyk (He/Him)
Institute of Health Sciences, Pain and Exercise Research Luebeck (P.E.R.L.), University of Luebeck; Luebeck, Germany

Damien Boorman (He/Him)
Martin Pain Lab, University of Toronto Mississauga; Mississauga, Canada

Nadine Cebulla (She/Her)
CRU 5001 Resolve Pain, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Würzburg; Würzburg, Germany

Rachel (Roxy) Cundiff-O'Sullivan (She/Her)
Pain Across the Lifespan (PAL) Lab, Washington University in Saint Louis; Saint Louis, U.S.

Ronessa Dass (She/Her)
McMaster University; Hamilton, Canada

Jonathan Husk (He/Him)
Department of Neurophysiology, Mannheim Center for Translational Neuroscience, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University; Mannheim, Germany

Rhiannon Joslin (She/her)
School of Health Sciences, University of Southampton; Southhampton, UK

Kaalindi Misra (She/Her)
San Raffaele Hospital; Milan, Italy

YV Raghava Neelapala (He/Him)
School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University; Hamilton, Canada

Daniela Rosenberg (She/Her)
Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, University Hospital Muenster; Münster, Germany

Laura Sirucek (She/Her)
Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP), Aalborg University; Aalborg, Denmark

Fernando Sousa (He/Him)
School of Primary and Allied Health Care, Monash University; Melbourne, Australia

Inge Timmers (She/Her)
Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology, Tilburg University; Tilburg, the Netherlands

Governance Task Force

This committee works with IASP representatives to create the ECN bylaws.

Task Force Members

Lizbeth Ayoub, PhD (She/Her)
Harvard Medical School; Boston, U.S.

Rocío de la Vega (She/Her)
University of Málaga; Málaga, Spain

Raquel Pereira da Silva, PhD (She/Her)
University of Porto; Porto, Portugal

Colleen Johnston-Devin PhD
CQUniversity; Australia

Ying He, PhD (She/Her)
Midwestern University; Downes Grove, IL, U.S.

Paulo Branco, PhD (He/Him)
Northwestern University; Chicago, U.S.

Marie-Eve Hoeppli (She/Her)
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Cincinnati, OH, USA

S.Fatima Lakha (She/Her)
Toronto Metropolitan University; Toronto, Canada

Collaboration Committee

Facilitates collaborations between the ECN and other organizations including IASP.

Finances Committee

Oversees the ECN's finances and organizes fundraising if/when necessary.

IASP Staff

Angelo Bouselli, Director of Membership and Marketing is working with ECN representatives for the marketing, communications, branding, and social media.