The International Pain Summit is an advocacy event intended to emphasize the importance of pain management as a human right and create guidelines for national strategies to help implement improved pain management worldwide.
More than 260 pain specialists from 62 countries attended the inaugural Pain Summit on September 3, 2010, in Montréal, Canada. These attendees heard patient and care-giver testimonials, updates from representatives of countries with established or developing national pain strategies, and evidence from advocates of policy development. They were also able to present questions and comments during a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Mary Lynch.
The attendees proposed and discussed changes to the draft Declaration of Montréal and the Desirable Characteristics of National Pain Strategies. Ultimately, consensus developed on the importance of the two documents, and attendees unanimously voted to support an edited declaration that called for pain management as a universal right. Following the summit, the International Pain Summit Steering Committee prepared a second draft of the declaration. This document was presented to the IASP Council for review and endorsement.
The Declaration of Montréal
The Declaration of Montréal, having been edited by the International Pain Summit Steering Committee using changes and additions proposed by the Pain Summit attendees, was approved by the IASP Council in October 2010. Click here to view the full text.