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2020 – Present

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2020 - Present


IASP Announces Revised Definition of Pain

In 2020, after a 2-year process, IASP introduced a revision of the 1978 IASP definition of pain, which was accepted globally by healthcare professionals and researchers and adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other organizations.  

The revised definition and the new chronic pain classification developed by IASP for the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), which the WHO adopted in 2019, are both key steps for recognizing pain as an important health condition and transforming pain research and the care of persons with pain worldwide. An article describing the process of revising the definition, accompanying notes, and critical concepts was published in PAIN the same year. 

The definition is: “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage,” and is expanded upon by six key Notes and the etymology of the word pain for further valuable context. Read the Definition of Pain >



IASP Position Statement on the Use of Cannabinoids to Treat Pain

In March 2021, IASP released a statement that, due to a lack of evidence from high-quality research, it does not endorse the general use of cannabinoids to treat pain. IASP also published a list of research priorities that must be addressed to properly determine the potential efficacy and confirm the safety of cannabinoids when used in pain treatment. Read the Full Position Statement >



Eighteenth World Congress on Pain - Virtual

In 2021, IASP held the Eighteenth World Congress on Pain entirely online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, the World Congress was attended virtually by more than 2,500 delegates. 



David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian Awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

On October 4, 2021, the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian for their discoveries of receptors for temperature and touch.  

The discoveries of Julius and Patapoutian stimulated research that expanded knowledge of how our nervous system senses heat, cold, and mechanical stimuli. This new knowledge is being used to develop treatments for a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain.

In recognition of their accomplishments, IASP granted David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian Honorary Membership Status in 2021.

Learn More > 



New Logo and Website Launched

In 2021, IASP updated its logo and released an updated website. This was the first time since 2009 that IASP had modernized its look or made a significant technological improvement. The new website was designed to provide more information and improve the member experience online. The new logo was created to represent:  

  • The importance of our members’ work and dedication to pain relief. 
  • Our commitment to supporting member education, careers, and research. 
  • Our international member community. 


PAIN Journal Receives Highest Impact Factor in its History

In 2021, PAIN, the official journal of IASP, achieved a Journal Impact Factor of 7.926, the highest in its 50-year historyThe Impact Factor is a journal-level metric calculated from data indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection and measures how often journal articles are cited during a specific period. PAIN articles received 46,662 citations in 2021. 



Nineteenth World Congress on Pain - Toronto

In 2022, IASP held the World Congress on Pain in Toronto. This was the first World Congress on Pain since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and despite challenges in holding an in-person event amidst the continued pandemic, it attracted more than 4,000 attendees.  

This World Congress on Pain was the first in which there was a space and programming specifically for early career professionals. This shift toward the next generation of pain professionals continued with the creation of the Early Career Network in 2023 and Early Career Lounge at the 2024 World Congress on Pain.


2023 - 2024

IASP Celebrates its 50th Anniversary

In 2023, IASP marked the passing of 50 years since the 1973 International Symposium on Pain in Issaquah, which led to the formation of the association, and began its 50th Anniversary celebration. 2024 will mark 50 years since the incorporation of IASP.  

Throughout 2023 and 2024, IASP celebrated 50 years of working together for pain relief throughout the world with initiatives including this timeline, a special supplement of PAIN, availability on the IASP website of transcripts of interviews with IASP founders and prominent members from the John C. Liebeskind History of Pain Collection, and special sessions at the 20th World Congress on Pain.  

2023 - 2024


Twentieth World Congress on Pain - Amsterdam

In 2024, IASP will hold the 20th World Congress on Pain in Amsterdam. After 50 years, IASP’s World Congress on Pain remains the largest gathering of pain professionals in the world, bringing together more than 5,000 scientists, clinicians, and healthcare providers from around the world and across pain disciplines.  

Attendees will experience a world-class lineup of more than 400 international speakers with comprehensive sessions bringing you the latest pain research and treatment. This World Congress will include the IASP 50th Anniversary celebration with reflections on industry advances in pain research and IASP milestones over the last 50 years. Join IASP 5 – 9 August in Amsterdam to commemorate 50 years of working together for pain relief throughout the World.