Association of Southeast Asian Pain Societies (ASEAPS)
The Association of Southeast Asian Pain Societies (ASEAPS) helps promote the study and management of Pain in the ASEAN region. ASEAPS represents six (6) chapters in the ASEAN region.
LEARN MORE >European Pain Federation (EFIC)
The European Pain Federation, formerly the European Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC), is a multidisciplinary professional organization in the field of pain research and medicine. It consists of the 37 chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).
LEARN MORE >Federación Latinoamericana de Asociaciones para el estudio del Dolor (FEDELAT)
Bienvenidos a FEDELAT The Latin American Federation of Associations for the Study of Pain (FEDELAT) welcomes you! Our mission is to promote research, education, prevention and knowledge about pain in […]
LEARN MORE >South Asian Regional Pain Society (SARPS)
The South Asian Regional Pain Society (SARPS) supports its member countries to make effective, accessible, affordable, and ethical care available to those suffering from pain conditions in the region.