Chapters Overview
Below is a complete list and interactive map of all IASP chapters and federations worldwide. If your country is not listed below, a chapter has not yet been formed in your region.
Chapter information includes contact information, a listing of chapter officers, and past and upcoming meetings. For more information, contact the chapter directly.
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu
Three brochures on pain management: acute pain, postoperative pain, and chronic pain.
LEARN MORE >Associação Portuguesa para o Estudo da Dor (APED)
Support groups; “Atlas da Dor” a brochure with a list of pain units in Portugal; “Comfy Book” the Portuguese edition of Linda S. Franck book for parents with babies in […]
LEARN MORE >Asociación Puertorriqueña para el Estudio y el Tratamiento del Dolor (APRETD)
Puerto Rico
Information brochures, referral services, hotline.
LEARN MORE >Asociatia Romana pentru Studiul Durerii (ARSD)
The Center for Therapy of Pain, Bucharest University Hospital in Resita; RASP guidelines on acute, chronic and neuropathic pain management; “Pro Pain Control” Program of acute pain management in 4 […]
LEARN MORE >Rwanda Pain Society (RPS)
Pain education to multidisciplinary healthcare providers and incorporation in the curriculum at teaching institutions. Advocacy to the policy makers. Research collaboration with international experts and knowledge translation. Mobilization of more […]
LEARN MORE >Saudi Society of Pain Medicine
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Society of Pain Medicine (SSPM) is a multidisciplinary society that brings together adverse groups of clinicians, scientists and other professionals interested in pain for the purpose of increasing knowledge […]
LEARN MORE >Udruženje za Istraživanje i Tretman Bola Srbije (UITBS)
Patient booklet on Opiophobia; Patient brochure “Beat the Pain, Live a before”, On line access for all patients in pain.
LEARN MORE >The Pain Association of Singapore
About Us: The Pain Association of Singapore is a chapter of International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). Our mission is to acquire new knowledge to help, diagnose, […]