Application Period: 2 May 2022 – 29 July 2022
Grant Terms: One 12-month award of up to US$10,000.
Purpose: The Non-Human Pain SIG supports training in all aspects of pain research in non-human species, particularly in basic and clinical research into the recognition and mitigation of pain and discomfort in animals, and the use of spontaneous animal disease as a model for studying mechanisms and the alleviation of human pain.
Eligibility Requirements:
- There are no restrictions as to the trainee’s age.
- The selected applicant must provide a proof of student/trainee status.
- The trainee will generally be in an early stage of his or her career.
- Applicants must be IASP Trainee Members and Non-Human Pain SIG members at the time of applying.
- Mentors should be active members of IASP or in good standing at the time of applying.
The IASP Non-Human Pain SIG Award Working Group will evaluate all proposals based on:
- Research proposal.
- The novelty of the research.
- The usefulness of the training to the applicant’s research career.
- The qualifications of the applicant and mentor.
Terms of the Award:
- The trainee will carry out a 1-year basic science research project related to recognition and/or mitigation of pain or discomfort in a non-human species or mechanisms of pain in animals, which can also benefit the alleviation of human pain, under the guidance of a mentor at the institution of his or her choice.
- Proof of ethical approval of the research project by the host institution is a prerequisite of the award.
- The project idea must be different to an existing studentship/trainee project but can be related.
The award will only be granted on the basis that it does not cover:
- Administrative overheads, indirect costs, major equipment, student/trainee tuition fees, technician/supervisor salaries or travel (additional funding for travel will be provided subject to project progress).
- The research work must be carried out by the named recipient (not by undergraduates or technical staff).
- IASP will disburse the award (up $10,000) to the project mentor after completion of grant agreements and at the start of the project.
- All research project work should be completed with 12-months of receipt of the award
- An additional 6 months allocated for writing up.
- Completion of the project, data analysis and writing up must be completed within 18-months of receipt of funds.
- Upon completion of the project, the trainee must submit a report to IASP describing the research performed and training received, including information on activities and outputs generated with the help of the award. These include publications; presentations at conferences, colloquia, or symposia (or similar meetings); and the generation of additional extramural (external) support.
- The trainee must acknowledge the IASP Non-Human Pain SIG in publications and outputs arising from work achieved as a result of this award.