This is the third and final webinar in a series being produced through a collaboration of the IASP’s Acute Pain Special Interest Group and the European Pain Federation titled:
Improving Outcomes of Postoperative Pain Management:
The Way to Go
The learning objectives for this webinar series will prepare you to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of relevant outcomes of managing pain after surgery.
2. Understand how regional anesthesia and parts of integrative medicine can demonstrate better outcomes.
3. Understand the impact of acute pain services and transitional pain services on pain outcomes.
4. Understand the benefits of monitoring patient reported outcomes.
Watch the first webinar in this series:
Horizon Scanning in Postoperative Pain Management
Watch the second webinar in this series:
Improving Postoperative Pain Outcomes
The mission of IASP’s Acute Pain Special Interest Group is “to study underlying mechanisms of acute pain, including the transition from acute to chronic pain, and the implications of acute pain therapy for clinical outcome and quality of life.”
Research is ongoing about the outcomes of postoperative pain management that are clinically important for better comfort and early recovery. Maintaining the capacity of daily functioning and performing useful activities such as turning in bed, breathing deeply, and coughing, sitting in a chair, etc., are known to be crucial for preventing complications.
During their clinical course, a majority of hospitalized patients will experience acute and/or procedural pain. Despite its ubiquitous nature, the management of acute and/or procedural pain is underrepresented in medical school curricula and training. In this webinar, we will emphasize acute and/or procedural pain management as a necessary function of healthcare providers, and highlight different approaches to providing treatment.
Participants include:
- Patrice Forget, MD, PhD, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
- Louise Trewern, Live Well With Pain, UK
- Amy Donnelly, MD, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
- Felicia Cox, FRCN, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, London, UK (moderator)
About the Presenters
Patrice Forget, MD PhD, is the clinical chair in anesthesia at the University of Aberdeen (UK), and an honorary consultant at the NHS Grampian. He was previously a clinical professor in Anesthesia and Pain Medicine in Belgium, and the president of the Belgian Pain Society. He is involved in clinical research, focused on mainly pain, perioperative epidemiology, and clinical pharmacology. Over the past few years, as a principal investigator and/or national coordinator, he has published more than 150 articles, letters, or editorials. He is also the chair of the PANDOS (Pain AND Opioids after Surgery) ESAIC Research Group (European Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care).
Louise Trewern is the lead lived experience trainer at Live Well with Pain in the UK, as well as a public speaker and national pain advocate. She is the immediate past vice-chair of the Patient Voice Committee of the British Pain Society, as well as the chair of the Get Involved Committee at Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust Pain Rehabilitation Service. Additionally, she is a lay member of the Physiotherapy Pain Association Executive Committee and participated in the NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) Safe Prescribing of Opioids, Gabapentinoids, Antidepressants, and Z-Drugs Committee. Furthermore, she’s the co-founder of the Footsteps Festival for people who live with pain and has contributed to many research projects and co-authored several papers in the British Medical Journal and other publications.
Amy Donnelly, MD, a consultant anesthetist in St. Columcille’s Hospital and St. Vincent’s University Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. She obtained her CCST from the College of Anesthesiologists of Ireland in 2020, after which she completed a fellowship in anesthesia in Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. She then undertook the first perioperative medicine fellowship in Ireland in St. Vincent’s. Amy is a board member of the Faculty of Pain medicine of Ireland for her work on opioid prescribing in acute pain. She was part of the HSE (Health Service Executive of Ireland) working group for prescribing opioids for acute non-cancer pain. She is currently the FPM board representative on the HSE working group for codeine. Amy was part of the multidisciplinary team involved in the BPS/IPS patient information leaflet on Managing Pain after Surgery.
About the Moderator
Felicia Cox, FRCN, is a nurse consultant in pain management. She is a past chair of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Pain and Palliative Care Forum and is a co-opted member of the Council of the British Pain Society. She is a committee member of the EFIC Covid Task Force and EFIC Research Strategy group, the IASP Acute Pain Special Interest Group, and a founding member of the Pain Nurse Network. She is the co-editor of the British Journal of Pain. The breadth of her pain-related publications spans the continuum from the Daily Telegraph to The Lancet with systematic reviews, chapters, and books in between. She has also co-authored e-learning modules on pain and medicine safety, and has contributed to several Family Practice Management publications. She is an honorary lecturer at King’s College London, UK, and has been awarded honorary membership of the British Pain Society and Fellowship of the RCN for her services to pain. Her clinical and research interests include chronic postsurgical pain and procedural pain, and enjoys supporting novice authors to publish and disseminate their work.