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Papers of the Week

Papers: 12 Aug 2023 - 18 Aug 2023

Clinical, Resource

Human Studies, Molecular/Cellular, Neurobiology, Pharmacology/Drug Development

Migraine/Headache, Psychological/Comorbidities

2023 Aug 15

Reg Anesth Pain Med


Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on postdural puncture headache: a consensus report from a multisociety international working group.


Uppal V, Russell R, Sondekoppam RV, Ansari J, Baber Z, Chen Y, DelPizzo K, Dirzu DS, Kalagara H, Kissoon NR, Kranz PG, Leffert L, Lim G, Lobo C, Lucas DN, Moka E, Rodriguez SE, Sehmbi H, Vallejo MC, Volk T, Narouze S


Postdural puncture headache (PDPH) can follow unintentional dural puncture during epidural techniques or intentional dural puncture during neuraxial procedures such as a lumbar puncture or spinal anesthesia. Evidence-based guidance on the prevention, diagnosis or management of this condition is, however, currently lacking. This multisociety guidance aims to fill this void and provide practitioners with comprehensive information and patient-centric recommendations to prevent, diagnose and manage patients with PDPH.