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Papers of the Week

2022 Jun 02

Reg Anesth Pain Med

Quantitative assessment of a pediatric nociception monitor in children under sevoflurane anesthesia.


Lebrun S, Boccara J, Cailliau E, Herbet M, Tavernier B, Constant I, Sabourdin N
Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2022 Jun 02.
PMID: 35654480.


Intraoperative monitoring of nociception has recently made substantial progress in adult anesthesia. In contrast, pediatric data are scarce. Newborn-Infant Parasympathetic Evaluation (NIPE index, Mdoloris Medical Systems, Loos, France) is the first nociception index specifically designed for young children. It is a dimensionless index comprised between 0 and 100. Two previous studies suggested that NIPE could indeed 'detect' nociception in anesthetized children. The objective of our study was to investigate if NIPE allowed to detect and to provide a quantitative assessment of nociception in children.