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Papers of the Week

2022 Apr 05

BMC Anesthesiol



Migraine, interferon β1a and siponimod immunomodulator therapies.


Dahaba AA, Bornemann-Cimenti H
BMC Anesthesiol. 2022 Apr 05; 22(1):95.
PMID: 35382764.


Autoimmunity seems to play a great role in the pathogenesis of migraine headache pain. There is far more evidence that interferon can exacerbate migraines. We report a case where remission of severe comorbid migraine attacks happened with the start of interferon β1a (Merck, Netherlands) immunomodulation therapy. Therapy for multiple sclerosis was decided according to the severity of the debilitating comorbid migraine headache pain rather than the evolution of multiple sclerosis the far more serious disease.