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Papers of the Week

2022 Feb 26

Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon)


Using cervical movement velocity to assist the prediction of pain and functional recovery for people with chronic mechanical neck pain.


Tsang SMH, Szeto GPY, So BCL, Lau RWL, Tai JJ
Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2022 Feb 26; 93:105607.
PMID: 35245780.


Impaired cervical kinematics particularly the movement velocity had been consistently found in people with neck pain. The recovery and potential of cervical movement velocity in assisting the prediction of recovery in individuals with chronic neck pain remained unknown. This study investigated the application of cervical movement velocity to predict the outcomes of pain intensity and functional disability for a cohort of participants with chronic mechanical pain after completion of a 12-week intervention program.