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Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult


6. Vyp. 2

[Non-drug technologies in early rehabilitation of patients after hemorrhoidectomy].


Kovalev SA, Kotenko KV
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2021; 98(6. Vyp. 2):65-71.
PMID: 34965717.


Among all coloproctological diseases, hemorrhoids rank first among the reasons for visiting a proctologist. Its prevalence is 130-145 per 1.000 adults, and its proportion in the structure of colorectal diseases ranges from 34 to 41%. After hemorrhoidectomy, a long period of rehabilitation is necessary. There are long periods of incapacity for work (at least two weeks) and quite high complications rate, which generally leads to economic burden. Therefore, an urgent problem of current coloproctology and physiotherapy is the development of new approaches to medical rehabilitation of the patients after surgery for their fast recovery and prevention of complications.