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Papers of the Week

2020 Aug 20

Parasit Vectors



Nitric oxide debilitates the neuropathogenic schistosome Trichobilharzia regenti in mice, partly by inhibiting its vital peptidases.


Macháček T, Šmídová B, Pankrác J, Majer M, Bulantová J, Horák P
Parasit Vectors. 2020 Aug 20; 13(1):426.
PMID: 32819437.


Avian schistosomes, the causative agents of human cercarial dermatitis (or swimmer's itch), die in mammals but the mechanisms responsible for parasite elimination are unknown. Here we examined the role of reactive nitrogen species, nitric oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite, in the immune response of mice experimentally infected with Trichobilharzia regenti, a model species of avian schistosomes remarkable for its neuropathogenicity.