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Papers of the Week


Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova



[‘Point of no return’ in diabetic neuropathies: a dangerous delusion].


Akhmadeeva LR, Akhmedzanova LT, Barinov AN, Burdakov VV, Guryanova EA, Kopishinskaya SV, Makhinov KA, Parkhomenko EV, Sergienko DA, Strokov IA, Cherkasova VG, Shcherbonosova TA, Yakupov EZ
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2019; 119(8):98-107.
PMID: 31626177.


Polyneuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus is manifested by a lesion of peripheral sensory, motor and autonomic nervous system. Different severity of damage of sensory, motor and autonomic fibers in typical and atypical forms of diabetic polyneuropathy, requires a differentiated approach to therapy, but not the rejection of its implementation. In an interdisciplinary consensus, consultations are held with physicians from different regions of the Russian Federation, and modern methods of diagnosing and assessing the severity of diabetic polyneuropathies, which determine the algorithm for treating patients, are discussed.