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Access opportunities for education, leadership, and networking by getting involved in state and regional chapters. Independently-operated, these 96 national organizations share IASP's vision of working together for pain relief throughout the world.

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Chapters Overview

Below is a complete list and interactive map of all IASP chapters and federations worldwide. If your country is not listed below, a chapter has not yet been formed in your region. 

Chapter information includes contact information, a listing of chapter officers, and past and upcoming meetings. For more information, contact the chapter directly. 

Asociacion Dominicana para el Estudio y Tratamiento del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos

Dominican Republic

Mission Statement: The mission of the Asociacion Dominicana para el Estudio y Tratamiento del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos (IASP’s Dominican Republic Chapter) is to be the Central American Chapter that […]

Sociedad Ecuatoriana Para Estudio Y Tratamiento Del Dolor


The mission of the Ecuadorian Society for the Study and Treatment of Pain (SEETD) is to bring together medical and scientific professionals interested in improving the study and management of pain in Ecuador, resulting in timely and optimal care for patients and the community.

The Estonian Pain Society


Patient leaflet: “Don’t Suffer in Silence” in Estonian; Postoperative pain guidelines for patients (in Estonian and Russian); Acute pain guidelines in hospitals for nurses and physicians.

Société Française d’Etude et de Traitement de la Douleur (SFETD)


To make pain known and recognized as something that needs to be treated. To make the SFETD the reference society, recognized and visible to the public authorities, health professionals, students, […]