The intention of this prize is to create a tradition that instructs, inspires, and challenges clinicians and researchers to understand human pain, and the suffering it produces, in the broadest ways possible. The recipient’s publications and teaching must demonstrate not only an expertise in their particular field but an interest in combining the insights from their work with knowledge and perspectives from other disciplines.
This prize honors Dr. John D. Loeser for his many decades of dedication to the promotion of pain education and research. Funding for the prize comes from the SP Hersh/MICC Educational Fund. The recipient will present a plenary lecture at the IASP World Congress.
Prize Details:
The recipient is invited to give a plenary lecture at the IASP World Congress on Pain. The recipient also receives a plaque, IASP membership, economy airfare to the Congress, Congress registration, Congress accommodation expenses and a cash prize of US$3,000.