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IASP Collaborative Research Grant

The IASP Collaborative Research Grant provides up to $15,000 for international interdisciplinary pain research collaborations between at least two countries with an emphasis on collaborations among basic, translational, and clinical scientists.

Grant Overview

The IASP Collaborative Research Grant provides up to $15,000 for international interdisciplinary pain research collaborations between at least two countries with an emphasis on collaborations among basic, translational, and clinical scientists.

Grant Details

The grant covers travel and accommodation costs to support collaborative research by two or more research groups located in different countries. The budget can include a request for consumables related to the research project. However, the majority of the budget (over 50%) must be for travel expenses.

Grants are typically awarded for projects lasting one year.

IASP support will be in the form of a grant to an institution on behalf of the principal investigator of the project. The principal investigator will be responsible for managing these funds and must submit detailed financial and scientific reports within two years.

The principal investigator in charge of the overall project must submit a final scientific report after one year that includes information on activities and products generated with the help of the collaborative research award. These include publications and presentations at conferences, colloquia, or symposia, as well as the generation of additional external support.

Publications and other products arising from the work these grants support must acknowledge IASP as a source of funding. A copy must be sent to IASP Grants at grants@iasp-pain.org.

Grant Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to apply: 

  • The principal investigator in charge of the overall project must have been a member of IASP for the past year from the date of application.
  • The principal investigator should be at a professional level of independence (i.e., a faculty-level academic appointment).
  • The collaborators must be located in at least 2 different countries

Grant Application Requirements

  • Complete the online application. Additional documents needed for the online application are listed in the subsequent points. 
  • A description of the research project: This should be in Word or PDF and a maximum of four pages including references using 11 pt. font with half-inch [1.27 cm] margins.
  • A budget describing the use of the funds. Please use the IASP budget template
  • Short-version curriculum vitae for each of the principal investigators. You must use the IASP template
  • The principal investigator in charge of the overall project must provide a letter from an institutional official which clearly states
    • Evidence of professional independence (i.e., a faculty-level academic appointment)
    • Nonprofit status of the institution
    • Acknowledgment that neither the IASP nor the IASP Collaborative Research Grant will be liable (i.e., charged) for any indirect costs (overhead and handling fees) associated with the execution of the work described in the application.

Grant Review Process and Criteria

The Fellowships, Grants, and Awards Working Group reviews all applications and makes final decisions. Applications will be reviewed based on the scientific merit of the research, qualifications of the investigators, and evidence of interdisciplinary collaboration.

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  • 2024
    • Shafaq Sikandar, PhD (UK), Guilherme Barros, PhD, MBBS (Brazil), Margarita Calvo, PhD (Chile), Theresa Wodehouse, PhD (UK)
    • Project: An Immunological Signature of Pain in Fibromyalgia Syndrome
  •  2023
    • None Awarded
  •  2022
    • Dr. Earl Carstens, PhD (USA), and Dr. Merab Tsagareli, PhD (Georgia)
    • Project: Thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia in chronic itch: role of TRP channels
  •  2021
    • Dr. Giulia Di Stefano (Italy), Dr. Steven Waxman (USA), Dr. Francis O'Neill (UK), Dr. Joanna Zakrewska (UK), and Dr. Stine Maarbjerg (Denmark),
    • Project Disclosing Pain Mechanisms in Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • 2020
    • Dr. Giandomenico Iannetti (Italy), Dr. André Mouraux (Belgium), and Dr. Cédric Lenoir (United Kingdom), Development of a novel noninvasive method to monitor spinal cord activity in humans
  • 2019
    • Dr. Donald Simone (USA), Dr. Vadym Biloshytsky (Ukraine), Dr. Dmytro Ishchenko (Ukraine), Dr. Sergey Khasabov (USA), and Dr. Iryna Khasabova (USA), Contribution of Endocannabinoid Signaling to the Antihyperalgesic Effect of Spinal Cord Stimulation in a Model of Neuropathic Pain
  • 2018
    • Dr. Sylvia Gustin (Australia),  Dr. Zina Trost (USA), Identifying Cortical Mechanisms of Virtual Reality Walking Intervention for Neuropathic Pain in Spinal Cord Injury
    • Dr. Benedict Kolber (USA), Dr. Kevin Tidgewell (USA), Dr. Telesphore Nguelefack (Cameroon), Using Ethnopharmacological Knowledge from Cameroon to Develop Novel Sigma 2 Receptor Agonists for Pain Treatment
  • 2017
    • Dr. Rebecca Pillai Riddell (Canda), Dr. Maria Fitzgerald (United Kingdom), Investigating the Influence of Caregiver Soothing upon Infant Cortical Pain Processing
    • Dr. Massieh Moayedi (Canada). Dr. Jenny Lewis (United Kingdom), Dr. Irit Weissman-Fogel (Israel), Dr. Jonathan Downar (Canada), Non-invasive brain stimulation to target neural underpinnings of body perception to treat complex regional pain syndrome
  • 2016
    • Dr. Irina Vetter (Australia) and Dr. Sulayman Dib-Hajj (USA), The role of NaV1.6 in peripheral pain pathways
    • Kathleen Sluka (USA) and Lorimer Moseley (Australia), Mechanism-based treatment approach to chronic tendinopathy pain
  • 2015
    • Dr. Tine Vervoort (Belgium) and Dr Zina Trost (USA), It's Not Fair: Emotion Dynamics and Impact of Parental Appraisals of Injustice in the Context of Pediatric Pain
    • Dr. Marc Suter (Switzerland) and Dr Violeta Ristoiu (Romania), Targeting Microglial Potassium Channels to Treat Pain
  • 2013
    • David Seminowicz (USA) and Ali Mazaheri (The Netherlands)
    • Robert Edwards (USA) and Lars Arendt-Nielsen (Denmark)
  • 2012
    • Yves De Koninck (Canada), Anders Nykjaer (Denmark), and Christian Bjerggaard Vaegter (Denmark)
    • Pablo Brumovsky (Argentina) and Graciela Rovner (Sweden)
    • Petra Schweinhardt (Canada), Herta Flor (Germany), and Susanne Becker (Germany)
  • 2011
    • Jonathan Brooks (UK) and Nanna Finnerup (Denmark)
    • Terence Coderre (Canada) and Frank Huygen (Netherlands)
    • Jean-Francois Perrier (Denmark), Raul E. Russo (Uruguay), and Rodolfo Delgama-Lezama (Mexico)
  • 2010
    • C. Sommer (Germany) and S. Waxman (USA)
    • R. Harberberger (Australia) and M. Kress (Germany)
    • E. Vandenkerkhof (Canada), M. Peters (Netherlands) and J. Bruce (UK)
  • 2009
    • E. Pogatzki-Zahn (Germany) and J. Eisenach (USA)
    • L. Watkins (USA) and S. J. Lee (Korea)
    • T. Palermo (USA) and C. Eccleston (UK)
  • 2008
    • E. Carstens (USA) and A. Ikoma (Japan)
    • J. Hush (Australia) and S. Mackey (USA)
    • D. Finn (Ireland) and S. Hunt (UK)
  • 2007 
    • Gunnar Wasner (Germany) and Elspeth McLachlan (Australia)
    • Luana Colloca, Fabrizio Benedetti (Italy), with Martin Ingvar, Pedrag Petrovic and Eva Kosek (Sweden) and Tor Wager (USA)
    • Walter Magerl (Germany) and Mark Drangsholt (USA)
  • 2006
    • Ru-Rong Ji (USA) and Isabelle Decosterd (Switzerland)
    • Michaela Kress (Austria) and Rainer V. Haberberger with Ian Gibbins (Australia)
    • Osamu Komiyama (Japan) and A. De Laat (Belgium)
  • 2005
    • Andrew Somogyi (Australia) and Linda Watkins (USA)
    • Robert Edwards (USA) and Irene Tracey (UK)
    • Victor Tortorici (Venezuela) and Frank Porreca (USA)
  • 2004
    • M. Schmelz (Germany), E. Torebjork (Sweden), H. Handwerker (Germany), M. Hillige (Sweden), and E. Jorum (Norway)
    • P. Svensson (Denmark) and B. Cairns (Canada)
    • M. Koltzenburg (UK) and P. Ernfors (Sweden)
  • 2003
    • Maria Fitzgerald (UK) and Christiane Hermann (Germany)
    • Ruthi Defrin-Assa (Israel) and Karen Davis (Canada)
    • Mary Eaton (USA) and Yves Lazorthes with Jean-Paul Herman (France)
  • 2002
    • Yara Cury (Brazil) and Linda Watkins (USA)
    • David Rowbotham (UK) and Domenico Regoli (Italy)
  • 2001
    • Earl Carstens (USA) and Yves Boucher (France)
    • Kaj Fried (Sweden) and Marshall Devor (Israel)