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Addressing Cultural Disparities and Inequities in Pain Research: A Conversation with Calia Torres

Madelene Ho

23 August 2024

PRF News

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Five early-career pain researchers participated in the PRF-NAPS Correspondents program during the 2024 North American Pain School, which took place 23-28 June in Montebello, Québec City, Canada. The Correspondents program is a unique science communication training program that provides participants with knowledge and skills needed to communicate science effectively to a wide range of pain researchers, patients, and the greater public. 

In this episode of the IASP-PRF Podcast, PRF-NAPS Correspondent Madelene Ho spoke with Calia Torres – a passionate pain researcher and former NAPSter. In their thought-provoking conversation, Torres discussed her academic background, her transition from the role of trainee to faculty, and her current research about pain inequities and cultural disparities in pain care – particularly psychosocial interventions for understudied and underserved populations, including sickle-cell patient populations.

Podcast participants include:

  • Calia Torres, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
  • Madelene Ho, University of Alberta, Canada

This podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Calia Torres, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. Torres is a passionate pain researcher who has authored more than 30 original, peer-reviewed articles addressing pain disparities among understudied populations (i.e., Latinx, rural). She is also interested in the implementation of evidence-based practices for pain management in primary care settings.

Madelene Ho is a graduate student researcher based out in Alberta, Canada. You can find her on X at @iammadho.


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