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The Pain Beat (Episode 5) – The Coding of Sensory Information: Population Coding or Labeled Lines?

12 January 2021

PRF Interviews


Editor’s note: Welcome to the fifth episode of The Pain Beat, PRF’s new monthly podcast series! Supported by a generous grant from The MAYDAY Fund, The Pain Beat brings together the world’s leading pain investigators in order to spark dialogue and debate around important ideas in pain research. Guided by Rebecca Seal, scientific director of The Pain Beat, these podcasts feature open and spirited discussion about the hottest topics in pain and how the field moves forward from here.


For the fifth episode, The Pain Beat gathered together a group of pain researchers virtually to discuss how the mammalian nervous system encodes sensory modalities related to touch, pain, and temperature. Are there labeled lines? Or is there population coding? Do the mechanisms differ by location – the brain, spinal cord, or periphery?


Podcast participants include:

  • Diana Bautista, PhD, UC Berkeley, US
  • Nicholas Betley, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US
  • Adam Hantman, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, Virginia, US
  • Mark Hoon, PhD, National Institutes of Health (NIH), NIDCR, Bethesda, US
  • Taylor Sheahan, PhD, University of Pittsburgh, US (moderator)

Take a listen below and consider leaving a comment on the podcast at the bottom of this page. (All the Pain Beat podcasts are also available on Apple Podcasts here, and on Spotify here).


                                                            Podcast participants


PRF thanks Gary Hobish for providing the audio mastering for this podcast, and Kevin Seal for creating the music.


The Pain Beat is supported by a generous grant from The MAYDAY Fund.

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