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Papers of the Week

Papers: 26 Aug 2023 - 1 Sep 2023


Human Studies, Neurobiology, Pharmacology/Drug Development

Inflammation/Inflammatory, Musculoskeletal Pain

2023 Aug 26



Treatment of rheumatic musculoskeletal disorders.


Buchanan WW, Rainsford KD, Kean CA, Kean WF


Non-medicinal therapies with water, salts, exercise, massage, supportive devices, and electricity have been used for centuries and continue to be of benefit for some people with musculoskeletal disorders. Historical texts refer to the two electuaries mithridatium and theriaca as early therapeutic attempts of man to provide relief of musculoskeletal symptoms and attempt disease cures. For over 200 years, morphine-derived products have been used for musculoskeletal pain. The development of acetyl salicylic acid was a major breakthrough in joint pain management. This was followed by the introduction of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, paracetamol, and the use of corticosteroids. The gold-based compounds were the initial disease-modifying drugs and have been followed by the highly successful biologics agents. The basic objectives of musculoskeletal pain management include: reduction or elimination of joint pain; improvement or restoration of joint function and mobility; improvement of muscle strength to protect cartilage, ligaments, and joint capsule; prevention and reduction of damage to joint cartilage and supporting structures.