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Papers of the Week

Papers: 14 Oct 2023 - 20 Oct 2023

2023 Nov 01





The value of the International Association for the Study of Pain to career development: perspectives of trainee and early career members.


Sharma S, Birnie KA, Wang S, Fernandes Gomes FI, Gibbs JL, Mittinty MM


Supporting its young members has been a key priority of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) for the past 5 decades. The IASP, along with its federations, chapters, and special interest groups, has provided benefits to its trainee and early career members for their career development. This article summarizes various key IASP initiatives and benefits offered to IASP members and how these benefits have positively impacted their careers, including examples from the authors of this article. Suggestions are made for future directions that the IASP could implement to enhance the value provided to its trainee and early career members, which will in turn contribute to IASP achieving its mission to stimulate and support the study of pain and to translate that knowledge into improved pain relief worldwide.