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Papers of the Week

Papers: 7 Dec 24 - 13 Dec 24

2024 Dec 05

Acta Diabetol


The irreversible, towards fatalic neuropathy: from the genesis of diabetes.


Pal B, Ghosh R, Sarkar RD, Roy GS


Diabetic neuropathy is the most prevalent diabetes-associated complication that negatively impacts the quality of life of the patients. The extensive complications of diabetic peoples in the world are the leading cause of neuropathic pain, and over-activation of different biochemical signalling process induces the pathogenic progression and are also corresponding the epidemic painful symptom of diabetic neuropathy. The main prevalent abnormality is neuropathy, which further causing distal symmetric polyneuropathy and focal neuropathy. The exact pathological complication of diabetes associated neuropathic algesia is still unclear, but the alteration in micro-angiopathy associated nerve fibre loss, hyper polyol formation, MAPK signalling, WNT signalling, tau-derived insulin signalling processes are well known. Furthermore, the post-translational modification of different ion channels, oxidative and nitrosative stress, brain plasticity and microvascular changes can contributes the development of neuropathic pain. However, in the current review we discussed about these pathogenic development of neuropathic pain from the genesis of diabetes, and how diabetes affects the physiological and psychological health, and quality of life of the patients. Furthermore, the treatment of diabetic neuropathy with conventional monotherapy and emerging therapy are discussed. In addition, the treatment with phytochemical constituents their mechanisms and clinical evidences are also reported. The future investigation is required on pathological alteration occurs in neuropathic individuals, and on molecular mechanisms as well as the adverse effect of phytochemicals to determine all aspects of neuropathic algesia including effective treatments, which will prevents the sympathetic pain in patients.