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Papers of the Week

Papers: 4 Mar 2023 - 10 Mar 2023

Basic Science, Methodology, Resource

In Silico Studies

2023 Mar 03

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces


Flexible Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskite-Based Diffusive Memristor for Artificial Nociceptors.


Patil H, Kim H, Kadam KD, Rehman S, Patil SA, Aziz J, Dongale TD, Ali Sheikh Z, Khalid Rahmani M, Khan MF, Kim DK


With the current evolution in the artificial intelligence technology, more biomimetic functions are essential to execute increasingly complicated tasks and respond to challenging work environments. Therefore, an artificial nociceptor plays a significant role in the advancement of humanoid robots. Organic-inorganic halide perovskites (OHPs) have the potential to mimic the biological neurons due to their inherent ion migration. Herein, a versatile and reliable diffusive memristor built on an OHP is reported as an artificial nociceptor. This OHP diffusive memristor showed threshold switching properties with excellent uniformity, forming-free behavior, a high / ratio (10), and bending endurance over >10 cycles. To emulate the biological nociceptor functionalities, four significant characteristics of the artificial nociceptor, such as threshold, no adaptation, relaxation, and sensitization, are demonstrated. Further, the feasibility of OHP nociceptors in artificial intelligence is being investigated by fabricating a thermoreceptor system. These findings suggest a prospective application of an OHP-based diffusive memristor in the future neuromorphic intelligence platform.