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Papers of the Week

Papers: 26 Aug 2023 - 1 Sep 2023

Pediatric, Resource

Human Studies, Neurobiology

Orofacial/Head Pain

2023 Sep

J Am Dent Assoc




Evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the pharmacologic management of acute dental pain in children: A report from the American Dental Association Science and Research Institute, the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, and the Center for Integrative Global Oral Health at the University of Pennsylvania.


Carrasco-Labra A, Polk DE, Urquhart O, Aghaloo T, Claytor JW, Dhar V, Dionne RA, Espinoza L, Gordon SM, Hersh EV, Law AS, Li BS, Schwartz PJ, Suda KJ, Turturro MA, Wright ML, Dawson T, Miroshnychenko A, Pahlke S, Pilcher L, Shirey M, Tampi M, Moore PA


A guideline panel convened by the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs, American Dental Association Science and Research Institute, University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, and Center for Integrative Global Oral Health at the University of Pennsylvania conducted a systematic review and meta-analyses and formulated evidence-based recommendations for the pharmacologic management of acute dental pain after 1 or more simple and surgical tooth extractions and the temporary management of toothache (that is, when definitive dental treatment not immediately available) associated with pulp and furcation or periapical diseases in children (< 12 years).