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Papers of the Week

Papers: 18 Jan 2025 - 24 Jan 2025

2024 Dec

Mental Health Sci




Emerging trends in cannabis administration for women with chronic pain.


Cameron EC, Jacquin KM


Cannabis use among women who experience chronic pain is on the rise in the United States. However, little is known about women’s motives and preferences for cannabis administration. The purpose of this study was to characterize cannabis use among women with chronic pain. This study examined self-reported forms of cannabis administration and preferred source of cannabis, frequency and quantity of use, and self-reported side effects, and type, level, and intensity of chronic pain among adult women in the United States. This study also compared women who use cannabis for chronic pain and those who do not across the level of chronic pain, length of chronic pain, and the number of types of chronic pain experienced. Participants showed a significant preference (60%) for using recreational cannabis to treat chronic pain but reported that medical cannabis was more effective. For participants who preferred medical cannabis 24.3% reported daily use, as compared to only 7.8% of recreational cannabis users. Smoking was the most common form of administration (62.1%), followed by edibles (25.3%), vaporizing in any form (7.4%), tinctures and concentrates (3.2%), and topicals (2.1%). Participants reported using 1-6 different forms of cannabis administration. Those who preferred smoking were significantly likely to use all other forms of administration. However, those who preferred alternatives to smoking were significantly likely to use all forms of administration except for smoking. Medical cannabis users preferred to obtain cannabis from a dispensary, while recreational users preferred to obtain cannabis from unlicensed sources. Additionally, participants who used cannabis for chronic pain reported a 74% reduction in past 30-day opioid use. Future research is needed to investigate the health effects associated with single and combined forms of cannabis administration for women with chronic pain. Results can inform educational and intervention programs, treatment development, content regulation of products, policy formation, women’s health research, and public health guidelines.