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Papers of the Week

Papers: 25 Jan 2025 - 31 Jan 2025

2025 Jan 23

Br J Anaesth


CRISPR: fundamental principles and implications for anaesthesia.


Perez AR, Mavrothalassitis O, Chen JS, Hellman J, Gropper MA


Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-based medical therapies are increasingly gaining regulatory approval worldwide. Consequently, patients receiving CRISPR therapy will come under the care of anaesthesiologists. An understanding of CRISPR, its technological implementations, and the characteristics of patients likely to receive this therapy will be essential to caring for this patient population. However, the role of CRISPR in anaesthesiology extends beyond simply caring for patients with prior CRISPR therapy. CRISPR has multiple direct potential applications in anaesthesia, particularly for managing chronic pain and critical illness. Additionally, given the unique skills anaesthesiologists possess, CRISPR potentially allows new roles for anaesthesiologists in the field of oncology. Consequently, CRISPR technology could enable new domains of anaesthetic practice. This review provides a primer on CRISPR for anaesthesiologists and an overview on how the technology could impact the field.