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Papers of the Week

2023 Jan 06

PLoS Negl Trop Dis



Clinical markers of post-Chikungunya chronic inflammatory joint disease: A Brazilian cohort.


Lázari C D S, Ramundo M S, Ten-Caten F, Bressan CS, Bispo de Filippis A M, Manuli E R, de Moraes I, Pereira G M, Côrtes M F, da Candido D S, Gerber AL, Guimarães A P, Faria N R, Nakaya HI, Vasconcelos A TR, Brasil P, Paranhos-Baccalà G, Sabino E C
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2023 Jan 06; 17(1):e0011037.
PMID: 36608155.


Chikungunya-fever (CHIKF) remains a public health major issue. It is clinically divided into three phases: acute, post-acute and chronic. Chronic cases correspond to 25-40% individuals and, though most of them are characterized by long-lasting arthralgia alone, many of them exhibit persistent or recurrent inflammatory signs that define post-Chikungunya chronic inflammatory joint disease (pCHIKV-CIJD). We aimed to identify early clinical markers of evolution to pCHIKV-CIJD during acute and post-acute phases.