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Papers of the Week


Pol J Radiol


Efficacy of the endovascular ovarian vein embolization technique in pelvic venous congestion syndrome.


Sozutok S, Piskin F C, Balli H T, Onan H B, Kaya O, Aksungur E H
Pol J Radiol. 2022; 87:e510-e515.
PMID: 36250142.


Pelvic pain, either related or unrelated to menstruation, is especially common in women of reproductive age. Thirty-nine per cent of all women suffer from chronic pelvic pain at some point in their lives, and pelvic venous congestion syndrome (PVCS) is the cause of this pain in 30% of cases. The aim of this study was to determine factors affecting the success of endovascular venous embolization used in the treatment of PVCS, and to present the long-term treatment results.