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Papers of the Week

2022 Apr 26

Farm Hosp



Use of tracking drugs for the search of intra-hospital adverse reactions: a pharmacovigilance study.


Corrêa Benedet Baesso K, Zapelini do Nascimento D, De Sá Soares A, Schuelter-Trevisol F
Farm Hosp. 2022 Apr 26; 46(3):146-151.
PMID: 36183207.


To estimate the incidence of potential in-hospital adverse reactions  with the use of alert drugs in a general hospital in southern Brazil. Method: Cross-sectional study, carried out in a hospital in southern Brazil. The  electronic medical records (TASY®) of patients hospitalized between January  and August 2020, who were prescribed one of the drugs earmarked for  tracking adverse drug reactions, were evaluated: the drugs included  flumazenil, fexofenadine hydrochloride, naloxone, promethazine, diphenhydramine and loperamide.