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Papers of the Week

2022 Sep 30

Rev Esp Enferm Dig

Perianal Paget’s disease – A diagnosis to consider.


Ventura S, Carvalho A, Rodrigues C, Domingues Â, Cancela E, Silva A
Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2022 Sep 30.
PMID: 36177816.


Extramammary Paget's disease is a rare cutaneous malignancy affecting areas with a high concentration of apocrine glands. The authors present a 77-year-old male followed in the General Surgery consultation due to anal pruritus complaints with an evolution of around 20 years and recent lower gastrointestinal bleeding. A colonoscopy was requested and the patient was observed by Gastroenterology team in this context. The objective examination showed an erythematous-whitish plaque with well-defined, slightly exudative and verrucous limits in the perianal region (Fig. 1). Definitive diagnosis was possible by biopsy of the referred lesion carried out by Dermatology, and the histological findings were compatible with Paget's disease: intraepithelial infiltration by large atypical neoplastic cells and hypochromic halo and positive immunostaining for cytokeratin 7. Perianal Paget's disease, often underdiagnosed, may be associated with colorectal neoplasms. We present this case due to its rarity, in order to draw attention to this diagnosis.