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Papers of the Week

2022 Aug 23

Children (Basel)



Neurological Involvement in Pediatric Patients with Acute Leukemia: A Retrospective Cohort.


Cruz-Chávez D A, López-Pérez B J, Solórzano-Gómez E, Venta-Sobero J A, Flores-Villegas L V, Toledo-Lozano C G, Castro-Loza G V, Sandoval-Pacheco R, Torres-Vallejo A, Marmol-Realpe K S F, Flores-Jurado Y E, Hernández-Soriano C L, Alcaraz-Estrada S L, Mondragón-Terán P, Suárez-Cuenca J A, Coral-Vázquez R M, Garcia S
Children (Basel). 2022 Aug 23; 9(9).
PMID: 36138577.


Acute leukemia (AL) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in children, and neurological manifestations (NM) are frequent. The objective of this study was to analyze neurological manifestations in children with acute leukemia from cases attended in the last five years at the Centro Médico Nacional "20 de Noviembre".