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Papers of the Week

2022 Sep 13



Umbilical cord clamping time and maternal satisfaction.


Orenga-Orenga B J, Gregori-Roig P, Real-Fernández A, Donat-Colomer F, Sánchez-Thevenet P
Midwifery. 2022 Sep 13; 115:103487.
PMID: 36126369.


Clamping of the umbilical cord is part of the third stage of delivery. Delayed cord clamping (DCC) is recommended due to its contribution to prevention of anaemia. There is no evidence on the effect of DCC on maternal satisfaction. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of different sociodemographic and obstetric factors, including the timing of cord clamping, on maternal satisfaction with the birth experience in our healthcare system.