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Papers of the Week

Papers: 6 Aug 2022 - 12 Aug 2022

Human Studies

2022 Aug 04

Regul Toxicol Pharmacol

First-in-human study to evaluate the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of a novel analgesic and antipyretic drug with structural similarity to acetaminophen.


Gelotte CK, Vakil AM, Berwaerts J, Zimmerman BA, Eichenbaum GE, Flores CM, Kuffner EK
Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2022 Aug 04:105236.
PMID: 35934140.


JNJ-10450232 (NTM-006) is a new molecular entity that comprises structural similarities to acetaminophen and provides comparable analgesia in animals and humans without causing the hepatotoxicity associated with acetaminophen overdose in preclinical models. This double-blind, placebo-controlled, first-in-human study evaluated the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of JNJ-10450232 (NTM-006) following single (50-6000 mg) and multiple (250-2500 mg twice daily for 8 days) doses in healthy male volunteers. JNJ-10450232 (NTM-006) was absorbed within 1-3 h, except at high doses at which C was delayed and bimodal, while increases in AUC were more than dose proportional. CL/F and Vd/F decreased approximately 3-fold with increasing single doses up to 6000 mg and multiple doses up to 1000 mg, resulting in similar t values that ranged from 8-10 h across doses. JNJ-10450232 (NTM-006) was generally safe and well tolerated, and no dose-limiting toxicities were observed. Transient increases in indirect bilirubin were noted at post-baseline timepoints due to UGT1A1 inhibition, without any evidence of adverse hepatic effects. Macular rash and generalized erythema were the most common drug-related adverse events after multiple doses.