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Papers of the Week

2022 Aug

Pain Physician



Efficacy of Botulinum Toxin, Local Anesthetics, and Corticosteroids in Patients With Piriformis Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.


Hilal FM, Bashawyah A, Allam A E-S, Lam K H S, Eloumri A A, Galluccio F, AlKharabsheh A, Kaye AD, Salti A, Varrassi G
Pain Physician. 2022 Aug; 25(5):325-337.
PMID: 35901473.


Piriformis syndrome (PS) is a painful condition caused by entrapment of the sciatic nerve within the piriformis muscle. PS is typically unilateral and mainly occurs related to entrapment of the sciatic nerve. Treatments include physiotherapy, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, behavioral modifications, injection therapy with local anesthetics (LAs) and steroids, epidural injection, botulinum toxin (BT) injection, and surgery.