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Papers of the Week

2022 Jun 09

BMC Anesthesiol



Hemodynamic changes associated with neuraxial anesthesia in pregnant women with covid 19 disease: a retrospective case-control study.


Sangroula D, Maggard B, Abdelhaleem A, Furmanek S, Clemons V, Marsili B, Stikes R, Hill M, Sigdel A, Clifford SP, Huang J, Akca O, Logsdon MC
BMC Anesthesiol. 2022 Jun 09; 22(1):179.
PMID: 35681119.


Neuraxial blocks is the recommended mode of analgesia and anesthesia in parturients with Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19). There is limited data on the hemodynamic responses to neuraxial blocks in COVID-19 patients. We aim to compare the hemodynamic responses to neuraxial blocks in COVID-19 positive and propensity-matched COVID-19 negative parturients.