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Papers of the Week

2022 Jun 10

BMJ Case Rep



Case of bilateral Bell’s palsy.


Otaka Y, Harada Y, Shimizu T
BMJ Case Rep. 2022 Jun 10; 15(6).
PMID: 35688576.


A man in his 70s presented with a 4-day history of bilateral frontal headache and heaviness of the face. He was unable to close either of his eyes, to wrinkle his forehead bilaterally and to raise either corner of his mouth. The patient was admitted with a diagnosis of bilateral facial palsy. From history, epidemiology, physical and laboratory findings, Bell's palsy was considered more probable than viral infection, Guillain-Barré syndrome and sarcoidosis. Oral administration of prednisolone, valacyclovir and mecobalamin were initiated promptly, which improved his symptoms. In areas in which Lyme disease is not endemic, we believe that Bell's palsy is the most probable cause of isolated bilateral facial palsy. Patients with bilateral facial paralysis under the suspicion of Bell's palsy should be immediately started on steroid therapy.