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Papers of the Week

2022 May 19

Children (Basel)



Neurological Manifestations in Pediatric Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: Experiences of the National Medical Center “20 de Noviembre” in Mexico City.


López-Pérez B J, Cruz-Chávez D A, Solórzano-Gómez E, Venta-Sobero J A, Tapia-García I A, Toledo-Lozano C G, Torres-Vallejo A, Castro-Loza G V, Flores-Jurado Y E, Hernández-Soriano C L, Alcaraz-Estrada S L, Mondragón-Terán P, Suárez-Cuenca J A, Garcia S
Children (Basel). 2022 May 19; 9(5).
PMID: 35626923.


COVID-19 has affected millions of children and, while it was previously considered as a respiratory disease, neurologic involvement has also been documented. The objective of this study was to identify the neurological manifestations (NMs) and the outcomes of children with COVID-19 who attended the National Medical Center "20 de Noviembre".