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Papers of the Week

2022 Mar 10

Acta Biomed



Tibial tubercle avulsion fracture during sport activities in adolescent: a case report.


Pedrazzini A, Maserati I, Cesaro G, Visigalli A, Casalini D, Bertoni N, Yewo S H, Pogliacomi F
Acta Biomed. 2022 Mar 10; 92(S3):e2021571.
PMID: 35604251.


Tibial tubercle avulsion fractures (TTAF) are uncommon condition in children and adolescents. These lesions may be misdiagnosed and consequently not properly treated. Reduction and fixation is indicated if displacement is higher than 2mm or if the extensor apparatus is damaged. Authors present a case of a TTAF associated with a complete lateral patellar retinaculum lesion in a 13-year-old male adolescent non-professional basketball player.