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Papers of the Week

2022 May 11

J Ethnopharmacol

Study on the mechanism of Huangqin Decoction on rats with ulcerative colitis of damp-heat type base on mtDNA, TLR4, p-PI3K, p-Akt protein expression and microbiota.


Zheng Y, Liang C, Li Z, Chen J, Chen Z, Jiang Y, Dong Q, Xiao Y, Fu C, Liao W, Yuan X
J Ethnopharmacol. 2022 May 11:115356.
PMID: 35568112.


Huangqin decoction (HQD), composed of Scutellaria(Huangqin), Peony(Shaoyao), Liquorice(Gancao) and Jujube(Dazao), is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, originated from treatise on Febrile Diseases, has the functions of clearing heat, stopping benefits and relieving pain. It is the original prescription for treating heat and relieving dysentery, and is commonly used in clinic for diarrhea and other diseases. In ulcerative colitis, damp-heat syndrome is the most common. However, its mechanism of action is not completely clear.