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Papers of the Week

2022 Apr 22

BMJ Case Rep



CD8 encephalitis presenting as autoimmune encephalitis in HIV-1 infection.


Wood A C, Parker R, Allinson K, Scoffings D
BMJ Case Rep. 2022 Apr 22; 15(4).
PMID: 35459644.


A man in his 60s presented with a worsening headache, confusion and expressive dysphasia which, on admission, progressed to a falling Glasgow Coma Score and seizures. He was subsequently admitted to the intensive care unit. The clinical diagnosis was antibody-negative autoimmune encephalitis. Despite immunotherapy, the patient died 5 months after initial presentation and postmortem examination revealed he had CD8 encephalitis. This case demonstrates that CD8 encephalitis can present similarly to autoimmune encephalitis both clinically and on imaging. A brain biopsy would have revealed the diagnosis in life, although this would not have altered his treatment.