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Papers of the Week

2022 Feb 08

Rev Neurol (Paris)

Migralepsy, what it is and what it is not.


Vercueil L
Rev Neurol (Paris). 2022 Feb 08.
PMID: 35148906.


Migralepsy is a nosographical entity depicting a clinical event whose occurrence seems rather exceptional in view of the comorbidity observed between epilepsy and migraine. Defined more precisely as a migraine aura-triggered epileptic seizure (within the time limit of one hour), it is susceptible to numerous diagnoses by excess, undoubtedly stimulated by the elegance of the term diagnosis coined by Lennox and Lennox in 1960. This review points to the main criticisms, which were given to it, but also to the international recognition brought by the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD 3). In fact, there are undoubtedly clinical cases falling under the strict definition of migralepsy, cases which are rare but relevant for understanding the pathophysiology of the two colliding events: migraine aura and epileptic seizure involving the occipital lobe.