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Papers of the Week

2021 Oct-Dec

Iran J Parasitol



Laboratory Evidence of the Presence of in Urine Laboratory: A Case Report.


Hatami A, Pour S M, Rahmani K, Rahimian K, Soltani H
Iran J Parasitol. 2021 Oct-Dec; 16(4):711-714.
PMID: 35082902.


Folliculorum mites (, and ) are part of the common external parasites in humans as the exclusive host of them. The highest focus of these mites is on those parts of the body that have fat glands and fatty products in the skin. This is proven by the dermal – epidermal separation method. In the present study, the presence of is reported in a urine sample containing hematuria, which has not been observed so far according to the previous investigations. The case was related to a 44-yr-old woman with symptoms of headache, chills, and joint pain referring to the medical diagnostic laboratory of Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province, northwest of Iran. After historiography and collecting the urine sample as middle, the live parasite of was observed. The presence or migration of mite in the atypical areas of the body (genital, urinary, eye, etc.), which are close to hairy tissues (especially in women), may be one of the causes of allergic reactions and clinical symptoms in people.