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Papers of the Week

2021 Dec 18



Limonene, a citrus monoterpene, non-complexed and complexed with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin attenuates acute and chronic orofacial nociception in rodents: Evidence for involvement of the PKA and PKC pathway.


Pereira EWM, Heimfarth L, Santos T K, Passos FRS, Siqueira-Lima P, Scotti L, Scotti MT, da Almeida J R G S, Campos AR, Coutinho HDM, Martin P, Quintans-Júnior LJ, Quintans JSS
Phytomedicine. 2021 Dec 18; 96:153893.
PMID: 35026511.


Chronic orofacial pain is a serious public health problem with a prevalence of 7-11% in the population. This disorder has different etiologies and characteristics that make pharmacological treatment difficult. Natural products have been shown to be a promising source of treatments for the management of chronic pain, as an example the terpenes.