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Papers of the Week

2021 Dec 23

Medicine (Baltimore)



Buspirone in the management of refractory irritable bowel syndrome: A case report.


Karim M A, Al-Baz N, Haddad PM, Reagu SM, Alabdulla M
Medicine (Baltimore). 2021 Dec 23; 100(51):e28003.
PMID: 34941040.


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic and debilitating functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract manifested by abdominal pain and bowel habit dysregulation. The pathophysiology is complex and management targets symptom resolution. Therapeutic interventions range from dietary modification, psychological interventions, exercise, to the use of antispasmodics, antibiotics, and antidepressants. Anecdotal reports have suggested that buspirone may be beneficial in the treatment of functional dyspepsia and IBS and its physiological effect of reducing gastric tone provides a rational for its benefit.