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Papers of the Week

2021 Jul 30

Neurocrit Care

A One-Day Prospective National Observational Study on Sedation-Analgesia of Patients with Brain Injury in French Intensive Care Units: The SEDA-BIP-ICU (Sedation-Analgesia in Brain Injury Patient in ICU) Study.


Poignant S, Vigué B, Balram P, Biais M, Carillon R, Cottenceau V, Dahyot-Fizelier C, Degos V, Geeraerts T, Jeanjean P, Vega E, Lasocki S, Espitalier F, Laffon M
Neurocrit Care. 2021 Jul 30.
PMID: 34331208.


Sedation/analgesia is a daily challenge faced by intensivists managing patients with brain injury (BI) in intensive care units (ICUs). The optimization of sedation in patients with BI presents particular challenges. A choice must be made between the potential benefit of a rapid clinical evaluation and the potential exacerbation of intracranial hypertension in patients with impaired cerebral compliance. In the ICU, a pragmatic approach to the use of sedation/analgesia, including the optimal titration, management of multiple drugs, and use of any type of brain monitor, is needed. Our research question was as follows: the aim of the study is to identify what is the current daily practice regarding sedation/analgesia in the management of patients with BI in the ICU in France?