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Papers of the Week

2021 Jun 27

World J Hepatol



Distant metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma to Meckel’s cave and cranial nerves: A case report and review of literature.


Kim S K, Fujii T, Komaki R, Kobayashi H, Okuda T, Fujii Y, Hayakumo T, Yuasa K, Takami M, Ohtani A, Saijo Y, Koma Y-I, Kim S R
World J Hepatol. 2021 Jun 27; 13(6):709-716.
PMID: 34239705.


Metastasis occurs as a late event in the natural history of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and most patients die of liver failure attributed to the tumor supplanting the liver. Conversely, the brain is a less common metastatic site.