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Papers of the Week

2021 Jun 21

World J Gastroenterol



Pain management in chronic pancreatitis incorporating safe opioid practices: Challenge accepted.


Shah I, Sheth SG, Kothari DJ
World J Gastroenterol. 2021 Jun 21; 27(23):3142-3147.
PMID: 34163102.


Patients with chronic pancreatitis often experience severe, unrelenting abdominal pain, which can significantly impact their quality of life. Pain control, therefore, remains central to the overall management of chronic pancreatitis. Most of the strategies aimed at treating the pain of chronic pancreatitis are based on expert opinion and vary from one institution to another, as there are no uniform guidelines to direct a stepwise approach towards achieving this goal. In this editorial, we comment on best practice strategies targeted towards pain control in chronic pancreatitis, specifically highlighting the use of opioid medications in this patient population. We discuss various safe and efficacious prescription monitoring practices in this article.