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Papers of the Week

2021 May 21

Scand J Pain

Analgesic effect of paired associative stimulation in a tetraplegic patient with severe drug-resistant neuropathic pain: a case report.


There is no effective evidence-based non-pharmacological treatment for severe neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury (SCI). Paired associative stimulation (PAS) has been used in motor rehabilitation of patients after SCI. In the SCI-PAS protocol for tetraplegic patients, peripheral and central nerve tracts are activated with subject-specific timing, such that ascending and descending signals appear simultaneously at the cervical level. The effect on motor rehabilitation is thought to arise via strengthening of cervical upper and lower motoneuron synapses. We have observed an analgesic effect of PAS on mild-to-moderate neuropathic pain in tetraplegic patients receiving PAS for motor rehabilitation. Here, we applied PAS to a patient with severe drug-resistant neuropathic pain.