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Papers of the Week

2021 Mar

Arthrosc Tech



All-Inside Arthroscopic Anatomic Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair for Anterolateral Ankle Instability Using a Knotless Suture Anchor, Allowing for Tension Adjustment.


In recent years, arthroscopic anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) repair techniques have been increasingly used for chronic ankle instability. Besides permitting the treatment of several comorbidities, arthroscopic techniques are applied to minimize the need for aggressive surgery and improve the assessment of anatomic structures. We describe our surgical technique for all-arthroscopic anatomic ATFL repair using a knotless anchor, which can adjust suture tension under direct visualization using a self-locking mechanism. Thus, this technique diminishes the chance of repaired ligament separation from its attachment by obtaining the desired tension. Moreover, its knotless property allows the avoidance of some complications such as neuritis and pain related to bulky knots.